The philosophy of the Carpentry Department is to develop a positive work attitude, along with the various hand and power tool skills. Trade knowledge and vocabulary will enable students to achieve gainful employment in the carpentry field. The program will teach students to interact professionally with other workers in a safe and competent manner.
This philosophy will be applied to all grades 9-12, and in all areas: shop, related class and outside work projects
The carpentry program is based on proven local methods, “green” technology, OSHA regulations and the Massachusetts State building codes.
Student instruction begins with basic competencies such as shop safety, basic layout, hand tool identification, proper usage, care and maintenance. Students will progress from introductory knowledge of shop safety and basic woodworking with small projects such as common wood joints, to working with portable and stationary power tools to residential home construction --concrete form work to finish. 11th and 12th grade students gain valuable experience working off-site on projects such as building a home for Habitat for Humanity and other outside projects.
Get in touch to learn more about Roger L. Putnam Vocational Technical Academy.